
The first competitive day of the Road to Yalta – 2023 festival has ended.

Завершился первый конкурсный день фестиваля «Дорога на Ялту – 2023»

On April 29, 17 participants from 15 countries – Algeria, Hungary, Germany, Greece, Zimbabwe, Israel, India, Indonesia, Italy, China, Mongolia, USA, Serbia, Turkey, France – came to the Small Stage of the State Kremlin Palace. Yes, yes, we have two competitive duets. The solo performances, during which the performers present the song in their native language, were appreciated by the jury members – but they will announce their decision only at the final of the gala concert on May 2. The contestants were supported by the concert hosts Tatiana Remizova and Ernest Matskiavichius. And the last number that gathered all the participants on stage was the performance of the song "The Road to Yalta" together with Denis Maidanov.

Meet our contestants: they are already presented on the website.

And of course, watch the broadcast of the concert if you didn't have time to see the live broadcast.

30 April 2023


English version under construction