The «Road to Yalta» Festival attracts more and more viewers year after year, both offline and online. Many cities of Russia are joining the broadcast.
Watch the Final on May 3 at 18:30 live (the concert starts at 19:00):
– on the main page of our website;
– on the official YouTube channel of the festival «Road to Yalta»;
– on the official Rutube channel of the Humanitarian World Foundation;
– on the platform;
– in the official VK group of the Sputnik agency;
– on the screen on the Yalta embankment (near the round fountain);
– on the screen in the center of Simferopol (at the intersection of Pushkin and Gorky streets);
– in the summer amphitheater of the Innovative Cultural Center in Kaluga;
– on the screens of Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk, Makhachkala, Grozniy, Tver, Kostroma, Nizhniy Novgorod, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities.
English version under construction